
I consider service to be a central component of a career in academia. On this page, I compiled a list of selected professional activities, committee memberships, reviewing activities, and invited talks (for conference talks, see my publication page<\/a>).  I do regular reviews for various venues, including ACM CHI, ACM UIST, ACM Ubicomp, ACM DIS, ACM IUI, INTERACT, ACM ISS, ACM MobileHCI, NordiCHI, ACM VRST, IEEE VR, and various top journals. In addition, I serve as a reviewer for DFG<\/a> and BMBF<\/a> proposals and other European science foundations. I am also a member of scientific advisory boards for various research projects.<\/p>\n

I am also actively involved in helping to lead several research communities. I am the chair of the SIGCHI chapter in Switzerland<\/a>. From 2022, I will be on the award committee for the ACM Eugene Lawler Award<\/a>. In the past, I was the general chair at ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surface 2010<\/a>, the program chair for ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surface in 2015 and 2016, and also served as the chair of the steering committee. In addition, I was the program chair for the subcommittee Technological Innovation for ACM DIS<\/a> 2014 and 2016. I was the program chair for the Spatial Cognition Conference<\/a> in 2018 and a workshop chair at ACM CHI 2018. For MobileHCI 2023<\/a> I served as a PC chair.<\/p>\n

Professional Services<\/strong><\/p>\n