
Below, you will find my list of publications with links to the papers. If you cannot find or access a paper, have a look at my Google Scholar or ResearchGate profiles, or just contact me.


Eve Schade, Gian-Luca Savino, Yasemin Gunal & Johannes Schöning: Traffic Jam by GPS: A Systematic Analysis of the Negative Social Externalities of Large-scale Navigation Technologies. PLOS ONE, (2024)

Evropi Stefanidi, Nadine Wagener, Dustin Augsten, Andy Augsten, Paweł W. Woźniak, Johannes Schöning, Yvonne Rogers & Jasmin Niess: TeenWorlds: Supporting Emotional Expression for Teenagers with their Parents and Peers through a Collaborative VR Experience. VRST 2024: Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Reality, (2024)

Ava Elizabeth Scott, Leon Reicherts, Aditya Kumar Purohit, Elahi Hossain, Evropi Stefanidi, Nadine Wagener, Johannes Schöning University, Yvonne Rogers, Adrian Holzer: DIY Digital Interventions: Behaviour Change with Trigger-Action Programming. MobileHCI 2024: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, Honorable Mention Award, (2024)

Nadine Wagener, Arne Kiesewetter, Leon Reicherts, Paweł W. Woźniak, Johannes Schöning, Yvonne Rogers & Jasmin Niess: MoodShaper: A Virtual Reality Experience to Support Managing Negative Emotions. DIS 2024: Proceedings of the Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, Honorable Mention Award, (2024)

Gian-Luca Savino, Jana Wahls & Johannes Schöning: Mobile Map Applications for Foldable Devices. AVI 2024: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, (2024)

Yu Sun, Luca Nivini, Gian-Luca Savino, Florian Mathis & Johannes Schöning: Designing Grocery Shopping Experiences for Virtual Reality. AVI 2024: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, (2024)

Carolin Stellmacher, Feri Irsanto Pujianto, Tanja Kojic, Jan-Niklas Voigt-Antons & Johannes Schöning: Experiencing Dynamic Weight Changes in Virtual Reality Through Pseudo-Haptics and Vibrotactile Feedback. CHI 2024: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2024)

Carolin Stellmacher, Florian Mathis, Yannick Weiss, Meagan B. Loerakker, Nadine Wagener & Johannes Schöning: Exploring Mobile Devices as Haptic Interfaces for Mixed Reality. CHI 2024: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2024)

Annika Kaltenhauser, Evropi Stefanidi & Johannes Schöning: Playing with Perspectives and Unveiling the Autoethnographic Kaleidoscope in HCI – A Literature Review of Autoethnographies. CHI 2024: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2024)

Thomas Mildner, Gian-Luca Savino, Johannes Schöning & Rainer Malaka: Dark Patterns: Manipulative Designstrategien in digitalen Gesundheitsanwendungen. Bundesgesundheitsbl (2024).


Christopher M. Jones, Daniel Diethei, Johannes Schöning, Rehana Shrestha, Tina Jahnel & Benjamin Schüz: Social reference cues can reduce misinformation sharing on social media: A series of experimental studies. Journal of Medical Internet Research, (2023)

Daria Soroko, Gian-Luca Savino, Nicholas Gray & Johannes Schöning: Social Transparency in Network Monitoring and Security Systems. MUM 2023: In Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. (2023).

Conrad Zeidler, Matthias Klug, Gerrit Woeckner, Urte Clausen & Johannes Schöning: ARCHIE2: An Augmented Reality Interface with Plant Detection for Future Planetary Surface Greenhouses. ISMAR 2023: In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, (2023).

Conrad Zeidler, Lennart Kuhr, Jordan B. Callaham & Johannes Schöning: Mobile Plant Health Visualizer based on SI-NDVI Imaging and Augmented Reality Visualization for Space Greenhouses. SpaceCHI 2023: In Proceeding of the Conference on Human-Computer Interaction for Space Exploration, (2023). 

Johannes Schöning: Rethinking the SIGCHI Conference Landscape: Why Some Must Evolve or Perish. ACM Interactions, Blog, (2023)

Evropi Stefanidi, Julia Dominiak, Marit Dominiak, Pavel Woźniak, Johannes Schöning, Yvonne Rogers & Jasmin Niess: MagiBricks: Fostering Intergenerational Connectedness in Distributed Play with Smart Toy Bricks. IDC 2023: Proceedings of the Interaction Design and Children Conference, (2023)

Eve Schade, Gian-Luca Savino, Jasmin Niess & Johanne Schöning: MapUncover: Fostering Spatial Exploration through Gamification in Mobile Map Apps. CHI 2023: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2023)

Evropi Stefanidi, Johannes Schöning, Yvonne Rogers & Jasmin Niess: Children with ADHD and their Care Ecosystem: Designing Beyond Symptoms. CHI 2023: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2023)

Yu Sun, Carolin Stellmacher, Annika Kaltenhauser, Daniel Neumann, Nadine Wagener & Johannes Schöning: Alt Text and Alt Sense in VR: Engaging Screen Reader Users within the Metaverse Through Multisenses. Workshop on Workshop Inclusive and Accessible Metaverse at CHI, (2023)

Annika Kaltenhause & Johannes Schöning: Reawakening the Ghosts from the Past? Accessibility Lessons Learned from Second Life. Workshop on Inclusive and Accessible Metaverse at CHI, (2023)

Adrian Preussner & Johannes Schöning: Examining the Role of “Green Apps” in Fostering Community Engagement for Sustainable HCI. Workshop on HCI for Climate Change – Imagining Sustainable Futures at CHI, (2023)

Carolin Stellmacher, Andre Zenner, Oscar Javier Ariza Nunez, Ernst Kruijff & Johannes Schöning: Continuous VR Weight Illusion by Combining Adaptive Trigger Resistance and Control-Display Ratio Manipulation. IEEE VR 2023: Proceedings of the Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Best Presentation Award, (2023)

Nadine Wagener, Johannes Schöning, Yvonne Rogers & Jasmin Niess: Letting It Go: Four Design Concepts to Support Emotion Regulation in Virtual Reality. IEEE VR 2023: Proceedings of the Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, (2023)


Gian-Luca Savino, Ankit Kariryaa & Johannes Schöning: Free as a Bird, but at What Cost? The Impact of Street Networks on the User Experience of As-The-Crow-Flies Navigation for Cyclists. MobileHCI 2022: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, Honorable Mention Award, (2022)

Nadine Wagener, Alex Ackermann, Gian-Luca Savino, Bastian Dänekas, Jasmin Niess & Johannes Schöning: Influence of Passive Haptic and Auditory Feedback on Presence and Mindfulness in Virtual Reality EnvironmentsICMI 2022: Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, (2022)

Carolin Stellmacher, Jette Ternieten, Daria Soroko & Johannes Schöning: Escaping the Privacy Paradox: Evaluating the Learning Effects of Privacy Policies With Serious Games. CHI Play 2022: Proceedings of the Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, (2022).

Neha Kumar, Julie A. Adams, Bill Buxton, Linda Candy, Pablo Cesar, Leigh Clark, Benjamin R. Cowan, Anind Dey, Phoebe O. Toups Dugas, Ernest Edmonds, Michael A. Goodrich, Mark Green, Jonathan Grudin, Yoshifumi Kitamura, Joe Konstan, Celine Latulipe, Minha Lee, Tom Malone, Regan Mandryk, Panos Markopoulos, Michael Muller, Lennart Nacke, Yukiko Nakano, Marianna Obrist, Martin Porcheron, Aleksandra Sarcevic, Johannes Schöning, Stacey Scott, Bonita Sharif, Frank Steinicke, Simone Stumpf, Edward Tse, Vinoba Vinayagamoorthy: A chronology of SIGCHI conferences: 1983 to 2022. ACM Interactions. Vol 29,6, (2022)

Bernhard Freund & Johannes Schöning: Art. 25 Sicherheit der Verarbeitung. In Freund, Bernhard; Schmidt, Bernd; Heep, Sebastian & Roschek, Anna-Kristina (ed.): Praxis-Kommentar DSGVO. Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft in Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, (2022).

Bernhard Freund & Johannes Schöning: Art. 32 Sicherheit der Verarbeitung. In Freund, Bernhard; Schmidt, Bernd; Heep, Sebastian & Roschek, Anna-Kristina (ed.): Praxis-Kommentar DSGVO. Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft in Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, (2022).

Daniel Diethei, Ashley Colley, Julian Wienert & Johannes Schöning: Different Length, Different Needs: Qualitative Analysis of Threads in Online Health Communities. ICHI 2022: Proceedings of the International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, (2022). 

Nima Zargham, Leon Reicherts, Michael Bonfert, Sarah Theres Völkel, Johannes Schöning, Rainer Malaka & Yvonne Rogers: Understanding Circumstances for Desirable Proactive Behaviour of Voice Assistants: The Proactivity Dilemma. CUI 2022: Proceedings of the Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, (2022)

Evropi Stefanidi, Johannes Schöning, Sebastian Feger, Paul Marshall, Yvonne Rogers & Jasmin Niess: Designing for Care Ecosystems: A Literature Review of Technologies for Children with ADHD. IDC 2022: Proceedings of the International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, (2022)

Nadine Wagener, Jasmin Niess, Johannes Schöning & Yvonne Rogers: Mood Worlds: A Virtual Environment for Autonomous Emotional Expression. CHI 2022: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2022)

Johannes Schöning: The German Research Community within ACM SIGCHI 2010 – 2020. ACM Interactions. Vol 29,1, (2022)

Arvid Butting, Niel Conradie, Jutta Croll, Manuel Fehler, Clemens Gruber, Dominik Herrmann, Alexander Mertens, Judith Michael, Verena Nitsch, Saskia Nagel, Sebastian Pütz, Bernhard Rumpe, Elisabeth Schauermann, Johannes Schöning, Carolin Stellmacher & Sabine Theis: Souveräne digitalrechtliche Entscheidungsfindung hinsichtlich der Datenpreisgabe bei der Nutzung von Wearables. Book Chapter in „Selbstbestimmung, Privatheit und Datenschutz“, Springer, (2022)

Carolin Stellmacher, Michael Bonfert, Ernst Kruijff & Johannes Schöning: Exploring Weight Perception for Virtual Reality Through Adaptive Trigger Resistance in a Haptic VR Controller. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, (2022)


Christiane Heinicke, Marcin Kaczmarzyk, Benjamin Tannert, Aleksander Wasniowski, Malgorzata Perycz & Johannes Schöning: Disability in Space: Aim High. Science, Vol. 372, 6548, (2021)

Ana Rita Gonçalves Freitas, Alexander Schülke, Simon Glaser, Pitt Michelmann, Thanh Nguyen Chi, Lisa Schröder, Zahra Fadavi, Gaurav Talekar, Jette Ternieten, Akash Trivedi, Jana Wahls, Warda Masood, Christiane Heinicke & Johannes Schöning: Conversational User Interfaces to support Astronauts in Extraterrestrial Habitats. MUM 2021: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, Honorable Mention Award (2021)

Christina Trepkowski, Alexander Marquardt, Tom David Eibich, Yusuke Shikanai, Jens Maiero, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Ernst Kruijff, Johannes Schöning & Peter König: Multisensory Proximity and Transition Cues for Improving Target Awareness in Narrow Field of View Augmented Reality Displays. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (2021)

Conrad Zeidler, Gerrit Wöckner, Johannes Schöning, Vincent Vrakking Paul Zabel, Markus Dorn, Daniel Schubert, Birgit Stueckelberg & Josefine Stakemann: Crew time and workload in the EDEN ISS greenhouse in Antarctica. Life Science in Space Research, (2021)

Gian-Luca Savino, Jesse Moraes Braga, Johannes Schöning: VeloCity: Using Voice Assistants for Cyclists to Provide Traffic Reports. MM 2021: Proceedings of International Conference for Multimedia, (2021). 

Nadine Wagener, Tu Dinh Duong, Johannes Schöning, Yvonne Rogers, Jasmin Niess: The Role of Mobile and Virtual Reality Technologies to Support Well-being: An Expert View and Systematic App Review. Interact 2021: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (2021)

Miguel Ribeiro, Nuno Jardim Nunes, Valentina Nisi, Johannes Schöning, Marta Ferreira, João Nogueira: Addressing the Challenges of COVID-19 Social Distancing Through Passive Wi-Fi and Ubiquitous Analytics: A Real-World Deployment. Interact 2021: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (2021)

Ankit Kariryaa, Gian-Luca Savino, Carolin Stellmacher & Johannes Schöning: Understanding Users’ Knowledge about Privacy and Security of Browser Extensions. SOUPS 2021: Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, (2021)

Daniel Diethei, Ashley Colley, Lisa Dannenberg, Muhammad Fawad Jawaid Malik & Johannes Schöning: The Usability and Trustworthiness of Medical Eye Images. ICHI 2021: IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, (2021)

Evropi Stefanidi, Maria Korozi, Asterios Leonidis, Jasmin Niess, Yvonne Rogers & Johannes Schöning: Empowering Children with ADHD/ASD within Intelligent Environments. Workshop on Designing Games for and with Children. Co-design Methodologies for playful activities using AR/VR and Social Agents at IDC, (2021)

Evropi Stefanidi, Julia Dominiak, Marit Bentvelzen, Andrzej Romanowski, Sebastian S. Feger, Paweł W. Woźniak, Johannes Schöning & Jasmin Niess: Smart Tangibles: Fostering Connectedness Across Geographic Boundaries. Workshop on Smart Toys++ Exploiting the Social Connectedness for Playing and Learning at IDC, (2021)

Paweł W. Wozniak, Jakob Karolus, Florian Lang, Caroline Eckerth, Johannes Schöning, Yvonne Rogers & Jasmin Niess: Creepy Technology: What Is It and How Do You Measure It? CHI 2021: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2021)

Daniel Diethei, Jasmin Niess, Carolin Stellmacher, Evropi Stefanidi & Johannes Schöning: Sharing Heartbeats: Motivations of Citizen Scientists in Times of Crises. CHI 2021: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2021)

Johannes Schöning & Christiane Heinicke: HCI for the Imperfect Astronaut. SpaceCHI: Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction for Space Exploration at CHI, (2021)

Myat Su Yin, Peter Haddawy, Johannes Schöning, Yongjua Laosiritaworn & Patiwat Sa-angchai: Added value of mosquito vector breeding sites from street view images in the risk mapping of dengue incidence in Thailand. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, Vol. 1, No. 1, (2021)


Martin Brandt, Compton J. Tucker, Ankit Kariryaa, Kjeld Rasmussen, Christin Abel, Jennifer Small, Jerome Chave, Laura Vang Rasmussen, Pierre Hiernaux, Abdoul Aziz Diouf, Laurent Kergoat, Ole Mertz, Christian Igel, Fabian Gieseke, Johannes Schöning, Sizhuo Li, Katherine Melocik, Jesse Meyer, Scott Sino, Eric Romero, Erin Glennie, Amandine Montagu, Morgane Dendoncker & Rasmus Fensholt:  An unexpectedly large count of trees in the West African Sahara and Sahel. NATURE 587, (2020)

Nadine Wagener, Mareike Stamer, Johannes Schöning & Johannes Tümmler: Investigating Effects and User Preferences of Extra- and Intradiegetic Virtual Reality Questionnaires. VRST 2020: Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Reality

Software and Technology, (2020) Ankit Kariryaa & Johannes Schöning: MoiPrivacy: Design and Evaluation of a Personal Password Meter. MUM 2020: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, (2020)

Gian-Luca Savino, Laura Meyer, Eve Emily Sophie Schade, Thora Tenbrink & Johannes Schöning: Point Me In the Right Direction: Understanding User Behaviour with As-The-Crow-Flies Navigation. MobileHCI 2020: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, (2020)

Daniel Diethei, Ashley Colley, Matilda Kalving, Tarja Salmela, Jonna Häkkilä & Johannes Schöning: Medical Selfies: Emotional Impacts and Practical Challenges. MobileHCI 2020: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, Honorable Mention Award, (2020)

Alexander Marquardt, Christina Trepkowski, Tom David Eibich, Jens Maiero, Ernst Kruijff & Johannes Schöning: Comparing Non-Visual and Visual Guidance Methods for Narrow Field of View Augmented Reality Displays. ISMAR 2020: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), Vol. 26, No. 12, (2020)

Miguel Ribeiro, Nuno Nunes, Valentina Nisi & Johannes Schöning: Passive Wi-Fi Monitoring in the Wild: A Long-term Study across Multiple Location Typologies. PUC: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, (2020)

Arvid Buttig, Niel Conradie, Jutta Croll, Manuel Fehler, Clemens Gruber, Dominik Herrmann, Alexander Mertens, Judith Michael, Verena Nitsch, Saskia Nagel, Sebastian Pütz, Bernhard Rumpe, Elisabeth Schauermann, Johannes Schöning, Carolin Stellmacher & Sabine Theis: Souveräne digitalrechtliche Entscheidungsfindung hinsichtlich der Datenpreisgabe bei der Nutzung von Wearables. Forum Privatheit, (2020)

Nadine Wagener, Johannes Schöning & Yvonne Rogers: Mitigating the Negative Impacts when Designing Educational VR Applications for Children. Workshop on Exploring Potentially Abusive Ethical, Social and Political Implications of Mixed Reality Research in HCI at CHI, (2020)

Nadine Wagener & Johannes Schöning: Symmetric Evaluation: An Evaluation Protocol for Social VR Experiences. Workshop on Social VR: A New Medium for Remote Communication Collaboration at CHI, (2020)

Ankit Kariryaa, Simon Rundé, Hendrik Heuer, Andreas Jungherr & Johannes Schöning: The Role of Flag Emoji in Online Political Communication. Social Science Computer Review, (2020)

Gian-Luca Savino, Miriam Sturdee, Simon Rundé, Christine Lohmeier, Brent Hecht, Catia Prandi, Nuno Jardim Nunes & Johannes Schöning: MapRecorder: Analysing real-world usage of mobile map applications. Behaviour & Information Technology, (2020)


Johannes Schöning: „Stillstand ist der Tod, geh voran, bleibt alles anders“ – Für eine nachhaltige Verbesserung unserer Wissenschaftskultur. Forschung (Fo), 3+4, (2019)

Peter Haddawy ,Poom Wettayakorn, Boonpakorn Nonthaleerak, Myat Su Yin, Anuwat Wiratsudakul, Johannes Schöning, Yongjua Laosiritaworn, Klestia Balla, Sirinut Euaungkanakul, Papichaya Quengdaeng, Kittipop Choknitipakin, Siripong Traivijitkhun, Benyarut Erawan, Thansuda Kraisang: Large scale detailed mapping of dengue vector breeding sites using street view images. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, Vol. 13, No. 7, (2019)

Gian-Luca Savino, Niklas Emanuel, Steven Kowalzik, Felix A. Kroll, Marvin C. Lange, Matthis Laudan, Rieke Leder, Zhanhua Liang, Dayana Markhabayeva, Martin Schmeißer, Nicolai Schütz, Carolin Stellmacher, Zihe Xu, Kerstin Bub, Thorsten Kluss, Jaime Maldonado, Ernst Kruijff & Johannes Schöning: Comparing Pedestrian Navigation Methods in Virtual Reality and Real Life. ICMI 2019: Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI ’19), (2019)

Hubert Kloskowski, Daniel Medeiros & Johannes Schöning: OORT: An Air-flow based Cooling System for Long-term Virtual Reality Sessions. VRST 2019: Adjunct Proceedings of the Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology Proceedings, (2019)

Johannes Schöning: Finsterworlds: Bringing Light into Technological Forests through User Empowerment. ACM Interactions, Interactions 26, (2019)

Johannes Schöning, Sophia Hoffmann, Sevasti­ Melissa Nolas, Christos Varvantakis, Hendrik Weimer: Itʼs time for an academic detox. THE: In Times Higher Education, (2019)

Benjamin Tannert, Reuben Kirkham & Johannes Schöning: Analyzing Accessibility Barriers Using Cost-Benefit Analysis to Design Reliable Navigation Services for Wheelchair Users. Interact 2019: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Best Paper Award & Accessibility Award, (2019)

Youssef Nahas, Christiane Heinicke & Johannes Schöning: MARVIN: Identifying Design Requirements for an AI powered Conversational User Interface for Extraterrestrial Space HabitatsInteract 2019: Workshop on Humans in the Loop – Bringing AI & HCI Together at Interact 2019 & Workshop “Künstliche Intelligenz in der Luft- und Raumfahrt”, (2019). 

Antje Rauers,  Johannes Schöning & Sevasti­ Melissa Nolas: PEOPLE IN MY LIFE: A Conceptual and Technological Exploration of Felt Closeness for Social Work PracticeTechnical Report University of Bremen, Germany, (2019)

Jon Froehlich, Anke M. Brock, Anat Caspi, João Guerreiro, Kotaro Hara, Reuben Kirkham, Johannes Schöning & Benjamin Tannert: Grand Challenges in Accessible Maps. ACM Interactions 26, (2019)

Peter Schulz, Dmitry Alexandrovsky, Felix Putze, Rainer Malaka & Johannes Schöning: The Role of Physical Props in VR Climbing Environments. CHI 2019: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2019)


Alexander Marquardt, Ernst Kruijff, Christina Trepkowski, Andrea Schwandt, André Hinkenjann, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger & Johannes Schöning: Audio-Tactile Proximity Feedback for Enhancing 3D Manipulation. VRST 2018: In Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Software and Technology Symposium, (2018)

Alexander Marquardt, Ernst Kruijff, Christina Trepkowski, Andrea Schwandt, André Hinkenjann, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger & Johannes Schöning: Tactile Hand Motion and Pose Guidance for 3D Interaction. VRST 2018: In Proceedings of the Virtual Reality Software and Technology Symposium, (2018)

Daniel Diethei & Johannes Schöning: Using Smartphones to Take Eye Images for Disease Diagnosis in Developing Countries. afriCHI 2018: In Proceedings of the Second African Conference on Human Computer Interaction, (2018)

Gian‐Luca Savino, Miriam Sturdee,Simon Runde, Christine Lohmeier, Brent Hecht & Johannes Schöning: MapRecorder: Analyzing Real World Usage of Mobile Map Applications. Spatial Cognition 2018: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Spatial Cognition, Honorable Mention Poster Award & IC2S2 2018: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Social Science, (2018)

Alexandra Fuchs, Miriam Sturdee & Johannes Schöning: FoldWatch: Using Origami-Inspired Paper Prototypes to Explore the Extension of Output Space in Smartwatches. NordiCHI 2018: Proceedings of the Nordic Conference on Human-computer Interaction, (2018)

Johannes Schöning: User Empowerment Instead of “Sweet Porridge”. Book Chapter in Germany and the World 2030, (2018)

Sarah Creem-Regehr, Johannes Schöning & Alexander Klippel: Spatial Cognition XI. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spatial Cognition, (2018)

Brent Hecht, Lauren Wilcox, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Johannes Schöning, Ehsan Hoque , Jason Ernst, Yonatan Bisk, Luigi De Russis, Lana Yarosh, Bushra Anjam, Danish Contractor & Cathy Wu: It’s Time to Do Something: Mitigating the Negative Impacts of Computing Through a Change to the Peer Review Process. University of Bremen: Tech Report, (2018)

Benjamin Tannert & Johannes Schöning: Disabled, but at What Cost? An Examination of Wheelchair Routing Algorithms. MobileHCI 2018: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, (2018)

Jonna Häkkilä, Nicola J. Bidwell, Keith Cheverst, Ashley Colley, Felix Kosmalla, Simon Robinson & Johannes Schöning: Reflections on the NatureCHI Workshop Series: Unobtrusive User Experiences with Technology in Nature. IJMHCI 2018: International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction,Vol. 10, No. 3, (2018)

Maximilian Schrapel, Anne Finger, Jochen Meyer, Michael Rohs, Johannes Schöning & Alexandra Voit: Integrating Physical Activity and Health Aspects in Everyday Mobility. Ubicomp 2018: Adjunct Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, (2018)

Ana Caraban, Sara Tranquada, Stephanie Liao, Greicy Ks, Johannes Schöning & Pedro Campos: Where2: Exploring prior visitor journeys to enrich upcoming visitor’s experience. ECCE 2018: Proceedings of the Annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, (2018)

Daniel Diethei & Johannes Schöning: Working with Non-governmental Organizations: The Perspective of the World Health Organization. Workshop on Untold Stories: Working with Third Sector Organisations at CHI, (2018)

Anke M. Brock, João Guerreiro, Anat Caspi, Steve Landau, Jon E. Froehlich, Benjamin Tannert & Johannes Schöning: Making Maps Accessible and Putting Accessibility in Maps. CHI 2018: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2018)

Florian Heller &  Johannes Schöning: NavigaTone: Seamlessly Embedding Navigation Cues in Mobile Music Listening. CHI 2018: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2018)

Ankit Kariryaa, Isaac Johnson, Brent Hecht &  Johannes Schöning: Defining and Predicting the Localness of Volunteered Geographic Information using Ground Truth Data. CHI 2018: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2018)

Abdallah El Ali, Tim Stratmann, Souneil Park, Johannes Schöning, Wilko Heuten & Susanne Boll: Measuring, Understanding, and Classifying News Media Sympathy on Twitter after Crisis Events. CHI 2018: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2018)


Anke Brock, Brent Hecht, Beat Signer & Johannes Schöning: Bespoke Map Customization Behaviour and Its Implications for the Design of Multimedia Cartographic Tools. MUM 2017: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, Honorable Mention Award, (2017)

Pavel Samsonov, Florian Heller & Johannes Schöning: Autobus: Selection of Passenger Seats Based on Viewing Experience for Touristic Tours. MUM 2017: Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, (2017)

Dirk Wenig, Johannes Schöning, Alex Olwal, Mathias Oben & Rainer Malaka: WatchThru: Expanding Smartwatch Displays with Mid-air Visuals and Wrist-worn Augmented Reality. ACM Interactions, Demo Hour Vol. 24, No. 6, (2017)

Steven Houben, Nicolai Marquardt, Jo Vermeulen, Clemens Klokmose, Johannes Schöning, Harald Reiterer & Christian Holz: Opportunities and Challenges for Cross-Device Interactions in the Wild. ACM Interactions, Vol. 24, No. 5, (2017)

Isaac Johnson, Jessica Henderson, Caitlin Perry, Johannes Schöning &  Brent Hecht: Beautiful…but at What Cost? An Examination of Externalities in Geographic Vehicle Routing. Ubicomp 2017: Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable, and Ubiquitous Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 2, Article 15, (2017)

Marc Van den Broeck, Fahim Kawsar & Johannes Schöning: It’s All Around You: Exploring 360° Video Viewing Experiences on Mobile DevicesACM Multimedia 2017: Proceedings of ACM SIGMM Conference on Multimedia, (2017)

Michael Bonfert, Inga Lehne, Ralf Morawe, Melina Cahnbley, Gabriel Zachmann & Johannes Schöning: Augmented Invaders: A Mixed Reality Multiplayer Outdoor Game. ACM VRST 2017: In Adjunct Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Best Poster Award (2017)

Catia Prandi, Catherine Chiodo, Ricjeareu Villaflor, Nicolas Autzen & Johannes Schöning: The Madeira Touch: Encouraging Visual-Spatial Exploration using a Tactile Interactive Display. CHItaly 2017: Proceedings of the Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, (2017)

Frederica Gonçalves, Diogo Cabral, Pedro Campos & Johannes Schöning: I Smell Creativity: Exploring the Effects of Olfactory and Auditory Cues to Support Creative Writing Tasks. Interact 2017: Proceedings of IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (2017)

Dirk Wenig, Nina, Wenig, Steffen Ernst, Rainer Malaka, Brent Hecht & Johannes Schöning: Pharos: Improving Navigation Instructions on Smartwatches by Including Global LandmarksMobileHCI 2017: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, (2017)

Jonna Häkkilä, Ashley Colley, Keith Cheverst, Simon Robinson, Johannes Schöning, Nicola J. Bidwell, & Felix Kosmalla. 2017. NatureCHI 2017: 2nd Workshop on Unobtrusive User Experiences with Technology in Nature. MobileHCI 2017: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, (2017)

Mara Dionisio, Teresa Paulino, Trisha Suri, Nicolas Autzen & Johannes Schöning: In Search of Light: Enhancing Touristic Recommender Services with Local Weather DataMobileHCI 2017: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, (2017)

Ankit Kariryaa, Tony Veale & Johannes Schöning: Activity and Mood-based Routing for Autonomous Vehicles. Workshop on Mobile Interaction With and In Autonomous Vehicles workshop at MobileHCI, (2017)

Dirk Wenig, Johannes Schöning, Alex Olwal, Mathias Oben & Rainer Malaka: WatchThru: Expanding Smartwatch Displays with Mid-air Visuals and Wrist-worn Augmented Reality. CHI 2017: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2017)

Ashley Colley, Jacob Thebault-Spieker, Allen Yilun Lin,
Donald Degraen, Benjamin Fischman, Jonna Häkkilä,
Kate Kuehl, Valentina Nisi, Nuno Nunes, Nina Wenig, Dirk Wenig, Brent Hecht  & Johannes Schöning: The Geography of Pokémon GO: Beneficial and Problematic Effects on Places and Movement. CHI 2017: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2017)

Allen Yilun Lin, Kate Kuehl, Johannes Schöning & Brent Hecht: Understanding “Death by GPS”: A Systematic Study of Catastrophic Incidents Associated with Personal Navigation Technologies. CHI 2017: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2017)

Isaac Johnson, Connor McMahon, Johannes Schöning & Brent Hecht: The Effect of Population and “Structural” Biases on Social Media-based Algorithms – A Case Study in Geolocation Inference Across the Urban-Rural Spectrum. CHI 2017: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2017)

Vasillis Vlachokyriakos, Clara Crivellaro, Pete Wright, Evika Karamagioli , Eleni-Revekka Staiou, Dimitris Gouscos, Rowan Thorpe, Antonio Krüger, Johannes Schöning, Matt Jones ,Shaun Lawson & Patrick Olivier: HCI, Solidarity Movements and the Solidarity Economy. CHI 2017: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honorable Mention Award, (2017)

Peter Kiefer, Ioannis Giannopoulos, Vasileios Athanasios Anagnostopoulos, Johannes Schöning & Martin Raubal: Controllability Matters: The User Experience of Adaptive Maps. Geoinformatica: International Journal on Advances of Computer Science for Geographic Information Systems, (2017)


Donald Degraen, Joy R. Piontak, Candice L. Odgers & Johannes Schöning: Neighborhood Dashboard: An Open Tool for Child Health and Neighborhood Researchers. SCRD 2016: Special Topic Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, (2016)

Kim Willems, Annelien Smolders, Malaika Brengman, Kris Luyten & Johannes Schöning: The path-to-purchase is paved with digital opportunities: An inventory of shopper-oriented retail technologies.  Technological Forecasting & Social Change: International Journal on Technological Forecasting and Social Change, (2016)

Kris van Erum & Johannes Schöning: SubwayAPPS: Using Smartphone Barometers for Positioning in Underground Transportation Environments. LBS 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Location-Based Services, (2016)

Steven Houben, Jo Vermeulen, Clemens Klokmose, Johannes Schöning, Nicolai Marquardt & Harald Reiterer: Cross-Surface: Challenges and Opportunities of Spatial and Proxemic Interaction.  ISS 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces, (2016)

Debbie Gijsbrechts, Florian Heller, Fahim Kawsar &  Johannes Schöning: Grouve: Spontaneous Proximal Group Formation with Ultrasonic Sound Waves. MobiCASE 2016: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services, (2016)

Kim Willems, Annelien Smolders, Malaika Brengman, Kris Luyten &  Johannes Schöning: The path-to-purchase is paved with digital opportunities: An inventory of shopper-oriented retail technologies.  Technological Forecasting & Social Change: International Journal on Technological Forecasting and Social Change, (2016)

Florian Heller, Johannes Schöning, Lel F. Meleyal, Sevasti-Melissa Nolas, Lena Zeisner & Antje Rauers: Who are the People in my Life? Towards Tangible Eco-Maps.  Ubicomp 2016: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, (2016)

Dirk Wenig, Florian Heller & Johannes Schöning: StrapMaps: Bringing Map-based Navigation to the Straps of BagsUbicomp 2016: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, (2016)

Florian Daiber, Johannes Schöning, Keith Cheverst, Jonna Häkkilä, Massimo Zancanaro, Cassim Lahda, Felix Kosmalla  & Frederik Wiehr: UbiMount – Ubiquitous Computing in the Mountains. Ubicomp 2016: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, (2016)

Dirk Wenig, Alexander Steenbergen, Johannes Schöning,  Brent Hecht, & Rainer Malaka: ScrollingHome: Bringing Image-based Indoor Navigation to SmartwatchesMobileHCI 2016Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, Honorable Mention Award, (2016)

Ashley Colley, Wouter Van Vlaenderen, Johannes Schöning & Jonna Häkkilä: Changing the Camera-to-Screen Angle to Improve AR Browser UsageMobileHCI 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, (2016)

Ashley Colley, Tuomas Lappalainen, Elisa Määttänen, Johannes Schöning & Jonna Häkkilä: Crouch, Hold and Engage: Spatial Aspects of Augmented Reality Browsing. NordiCHI 2016: Proceedings of the International Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (2016)

Dirk Wenig & Johannes Schöning: The Aesthetics of StripeMaps: Being Small and BeautifulMobileHCI 2016: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service Workshop on Mobile Aesthetics, (2016)

Jo Vermeulen, Lindsay MacDonald, Johannes Schöning, Russell Beale & Sheelagh Carpendale: Heartefacts: Augmenting Mobile Video Sharing Using Wrist-Worn Heart Rate Sensors. DIS 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, (2016)

Marcus Soll, Philipp Naumann Johannes Schöning, Pavel Samsonov & Brent Hecht: Helping Computers Understand Geographically-Bound Activity Restrictions. CHI 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2016)

Isaac Johnson, Subhasree Sengupta, Johannes Schöning & Brent Hecht: The Geography and Importance of Localness in Geotagged Social Media. CHI 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factor in Computing Systems, (2016)

Isaac Johnson, Yilun Lin, Toby Li, Andrew Hall, Aaron Halfaker, Johannes Schöning & Brent Hecht: Not at Home on the Range: Peer Production and the Urban/Rural Divide. CHI 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2016)

Nina Runge, Johannes Schöning, Rainer Malaka & Alberto Frigo: You Can Touch This: Eleven Years and 258218 Images of Objects. alt.CHI 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2016)

Jonna Häkkilä, Keith Cheverst, Johannes Schöning,  Nicola Bidwell, Simon Robinson & Ashley Colley: NatureCHI: Unobtrusive User Experiences with Technology in Nature. CHI 2016: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2016)

Steven Houben, Jo Vermeulen, Clemens Klokmose, Henrik Korsgaard, Nicolai Marquardt, Johannes Schöning, Harald Reiterer, & Mario Schreiner: Cross-Surface: Challenges and Opportunities for ‘bring your own device’ in the wild. CHI 2016: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2016)

Nina Runge, Pavel Samsonov, Donald Degraen & Johannes Schöning: No more Autobahn! Scenic Route Generation Using Googles Street View. IUI 2016: Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, (2016) 


Steven Houben, Jo Vermeulen, Clemens Klokmose, Nicolai Marquardt, Johannes Schöning & Harald Reiterer: Cross-Surface: Challenges and Opportunities for ‘bring your own device’ in the wild. ITS 2015: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, (2015)

Dirk Wenig, Johannes Schöning, Brent Hecht & Rainer Malaka: StripeMaps: Improving Map-based Pedestrian Navigation for Smartwatches. MobileHCI 2015: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, Best Paper Award, (2015)

Simon Voelker, Andrii Matviienko, Johannes Schöning & Jan Borchers: Combining Direct and Indirect Touch Input for Interactive Desktop Workspaces using Gaze Input. SUI 2015: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction  in conjunction with ACM SIGGRAPH,  Honorable Mention Award, (2015)

Pavel Samsonov, Xun Tang, Johannes Schöning, Werner Kuhn & Brent Hecht: You Can’t Smoke Here: Towards Support for Space Usage Rules in Location-aware Technologies. CHI 2015: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2015)

Ionut Damian, Sean Tan, Tobias Bauer, Johannes Schöning, Kris Luyten & Elisabeth Andre: Augmenting Social Interactions: Realtime Behavioral Feedback using Social Signal Processing Techniques. CHI 2015: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2015)

Paul Dunphy, Johannes Schöning, James Nicholson & Patrick Olivier: Captchat: A Messaging Tool to Frustrate Ubiquitous Surveillance. alt.CHI 2015: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2015)

Pavel Samsonov, Johannes Schöning & Brent Hecht: A User Interface for Encoding Space Usage Rules Expressed in Natural Language. CHI 2015: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2015)

Wouter Van Vlaenderen, Jens Brulmans, Jo Vermeulen & Johannes Schöning: WatchMe: A Novel Input Method Combining a Smartwatch and Bimanual Interaction. CHI 2015: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2015)

Debbie Gijsbrecht, Stein Smeets, Jacqueline Galeazzi, Juan José Martín Miralles, Jo Vermeulen & Johannes Schöning: ShareABeat: Augmenting Media Shared Through Social Platforms with Empathic Annotations. CHI 2015: Workshop on Mobile Collocated Interactions: From Smartphones to Wearables at ACM CHI, (2015)

Pavel Samsonov, Brent Hecht & Johannes Schöning: From Automatic Sign Detection To Space Usage Rules Mining For Autonomous Driving. CHI 2015: Workshop on Experiencing Autonomous Vehicles: Crossing the Boundaries between a Drive and a Ride at ACM CHI, (2015)

Johannes Schöning: Interaction with Geospatial Datait – Information Technology: Volume 57, Issue 1, (2015)

Ashley Colley, Jonna Häkkilä, Johannes Schöning, Florian Daiber, Frank Steinicke & Antonio Krüger: Touch the 3rd Dimension! Understanding Stereoscopic 3D Touchscreen Interaction Book Chapter in “The cognitive effects of spatial interaction, learning and ability“ LNCS, Springer, (2014)


Ioannis Giannopoulos, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger & Martin Raubal: Attention as an Input Modality for Post-WIMP Interfaces Using the viGaze Eye Tracking Framework. In Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, (2014).

Thomas Stockx, Brent Hecht & Johannes Schöning: SubwayPS: Towards Enabling Smartphone Positioning in Underground Public Transportation Systems. ACM SIGSPATIAL 2014: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, (2014). Alcatel-Lucent Bell MSc Thesis Awards 2014 for Thomas Stockx

Ionut Damian, Sean Tan, Tobias Bauer, Johannes Schöning, Kris Luyten & Elisabeth Andre: Exploring Social Augmentation Concepts for Public Speaking using Peripheral Feedback and Real-Time Behavior Analysis. ISMAR 2014:  Adjunct Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, (2014)

Daniel Telaar, Antonio Krüger & Johannes Schöning: A Large-Scale Quantitative Survey of the German Geocaching Community in 2007. AHCI 2014: Advances in Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 2014, (2014) 

Johannes Schöning, Brent Hecht & Werner Kuhn: Informing Online and Mobile Map Design with the Collective Wisdom of Cartographers. DIS 2014: Proceedings of the International Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, (2014) 

Maaret Posti, Johannes Schöning & Jonna Häkkilä: Unexpected Journeys with the HOBBIT – The Design and Evaluation of an Asocial Hiking App. DIS 2014: Proceedings of the International Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, (2014) 

Yannick Bernaerts, Matthias Druwé, Sebastiaan Steensels, Jo Vermeulen & Johannes Schöning: The Office Smartwatch – Development and Design of a Smartwatch App to Digitally Augment Interactions in an Office Environment. DIS 2014: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, (2014) 

Sean Tan, Jan van den Bergh, Johannes Schöning & Kris Luyten: Towards Detection of Side Activities and Emotions of Anonymous TV Viewers through Body Postures. TVX 2014:  Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video, (2014)

Sean Tan, Jan van den Bergh, Johannes Schöning & Kris Luyten: Towards Empathic TV Interaction using Body Postures. EmpaTeX 2014: Workshop on Empathic Television Experiences at ACM TVX, (2014)

Raf Ramakers, Johannes Schöning & Kris Luyten: Paddle: Highly Deformable Mobile Devices with Physical Controls. CHI 2014: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2014) 

Sean Tan, Johannes Schöning, Kris Luyten & Karin Coninx: Investigating the Effects of using Biofeedback as Visual Stress Indicator during Video-mediated Collaboration. CHI 2014: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2014)

Eric Baumer, June Ahn, Mei Bie, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Ahmet Börütecene, Oguz Turan Buruk, Tamara Clegg, Allison Druin, Florian Echtler, Dan Gruen, Mona Leigh Guha, Chelsea Hordatt, Antonio Krüger, Shachar Maidenbaum, Meethu Malu, Brenna McNally, Michael Muller, Leyla Norooz, Juliet Norton, Oguzhan Ozcan, Donald Patterson, Andreas Riener, Steven Ross, Karen Rust, Johannes Schöning, Six Silberman, Bill Tomlinson & Jason Yip: CHI 2039: Speculative Research Visions. alt.CHI 2014: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2014)

Masato Miyauchi, Johannes Schöning & Takuya Nojima: Listen to your Heart: Novel Ways of using Respiration and Heartbeat as Inconspicuous Input Modalities. Inconspicuous Interaction 2014: Workshop on Inconspicuous Interaction at ACM CHI, (2014) 

Sean Tan, Kris Luyten, Jan van den Bergh, Johannes Schöning, Karin Coninx: The Role of Physiological Cues during Remote Collaboration. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments MIT Press Journals (1), (2014)

Kim Willems, Randy Lauriers, Johannes Schöning, Kris Luyten & Antonio Krüger: The shopper’s path-to-purchase is paved with digital opportunities: An overview of technologies to augment the shopping experienceShopper Marketing 2014: Proceedings of the Shopper Marketing & Pricing Conference , (2014)

Kim Willems, Randy Lauriers, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger, Daniel Jackson, Thomas Ploetz & Patrick Olivier: Augmenting the servicescape with ubiquitous interactive surfaces: Fibreshelf technology. SERVSIG 2014: Proceedings of the AMA SERVSIG International Service Research Conference, (2014)


Ashley Colley, Jonna Häkkilä, Johannes Schöning, & Maaret Posti: Investigating Mobile Stereoscopic 3D Touchscreen Interaction. OzCHI 2013: In Proceedings of the ACM Annual Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Group, (2013)

Johannes Schöning: Does a “Smart Campus” Create “Smart People”? From Smart Cities to Smart Campuses — Supporting the “Campus Citizens”. Spatial@UCSB: In Proceedings of the UCSB Specialist Meeting on Advancing the Spatially Enabled Smart Campus, (2013)

Cuong Pham, Daniel Jackson, Johannes Schöning, Tom Bartindale, Thomas Plötz & Patrick Olivier: FoodBoard: Surface Contact Imaging for Food Recognition. Ubicomp 2013: Proceedings of the ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, (2013)

Hans-Christian Jetter, Johannes Schöning, Roman Rädle, Harald Reiterer & Yvonne Rogers: Collaborative Interactions in Future Crisis Rooms. BigWallHCI: Proceedings of the The 3rd JRC ECML Crisis Management Technology Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction with Big Wall Displays in Situation Rooms and Monitoring Centers, (2013)

Yvonne Rogers, Licia Capra & Johannes Schöning: Beyond Smart Cities: Rethinking Urban Technology From a City Experience Perspective. Urban Pamphleteer: Future & Smart Cities, (1), (2013)

Martin Traunmueller, Ava Fatah gen. Schieck, Johannes Schöning & Duncan P. Brumby: The Path is the Reward: Considering Social Networks to contribute to the Pleasure of Urban Strolling. CHI 2013: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors, (2013)

Raf Ramakers, Kris Luyten & Johannes Schöning: Learning from 3D puzzles to inform future interactions with deformable mobile interfaces. CHI 2013: Workshop on Displays Take New Shape: An Agenda for Interactive Surfaces at ACM CHI (2013)

Brent Hecht, Johannes Schöning, Muki Haklay, Licia Capra, Afra J. Mashhadi, Loren Terveen & Mei-Po Kwan: Geographic Human-Computer Interaction. CHI 2013: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2013)

Sean Tan, Johannes Schöning, Jan Schneider Barnes, Kris Luyten & Karin Coninx: Bro-cam: Improving game experience with empathic feedback using posture tracking. Persuasive 2013: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Persuasive Technology, (2013)

Sean Tan, Johannes Schöning, Kris Luyten & Karin Coninx: Informing Intelligent User Interfaces by Inferring Affective States from Body Posture in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. IUI 2013: Proceedings of the international ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, (2013)


Johannes Schöning, Yvonne Rogers, Jon Bird,  Julie A. McCann, David Prendergast & Charles Sheridan: Intel Collaborative Research Institute – Sustainable Connected Cities. AMI 2012: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence, (2012)

Raf Ramakers, Davy Vanacken, Kris Luyten, Johannes Schöning & Karin Coninx: Carpus: A Non-Intrusive User Identification Technique for Interactive Surfaces. UIST 2012: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, (2012)

Florian Daiber, Antonio Krüger,  Johannes Schöning & Jörg Müller: Context-sensitive Display Environments. Ubiquitous Display Environments: Book Chapter Cognitive Technologies, 2012, 31-51, (2012)

Johannes Schöning, Yvonne Rogers & Antonio Krüger: Digitally Enhanced Food. IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine: IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine (vol. 11, 3), (2012)

Brent Hecht, Douglas Downey, Mahmood Quaderi, Sam Carton, Johannes Schöning, Martin Raubal, Darren Gergle: Explanatory Semantic Relatedness and Explicit Spatialization for Exploratory Search. SIGIR 2012: Proceedings of the ACM conference on Information Retrieval (2012)

Johannes Schöning: Vodafone Research Advancement Award. Vodafone 2012: Vodafone-Stiftung für Forschung in der Mobilkommunikation (2012)

Enrico Rukzio, Johannes Schöning, Michael Rohs, Jonna Häkkilä, Raimund Dachselt: Theme Issue on Personal Projection. PUC 2012: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 16 (1): 1-3 (2012)


Jessica Cauchard, Markus Löchtefeld, Pourang Irani, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger, Mike Fraser, Sriram Subramanian: Visual Separation in Mobile Multi-Display Environments. UIST 2011: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (2011)

Johannes Schöning: Advanced User Interfaces for Spatial Information. BTA 2011: Nominee at the McKinsey Business Technology Award (2011)

Ulrich von Zadow, Florian Daiber, Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: GlobalData: Multi-User Interaction with Geographic Information Systems on Interactive Surfaces. ITS 2011: DEXIS 2011 Workshop at ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surface, (2011)

Vaiva Kalnikaitë, Yvonne Rogers, Jon Bird, Nicolas Villar, Khaled Bachour, Steve Payne, Peter Todd, Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: How to Nudge In Situ: Designing Lambent Devices to Deliver Information Salience in Supermarkets. Ubicomp 2011: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (2011)

Antonio Krüger, Johannes Schöning & Patrick Olivier: How Computing will Change the Face of Retail. IEEE Computer: 44(4): 84-87 (2011)

Matthias Böhmer, Brent Hecht, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger & Gernot Bauer: Falling Asleep with Angry Birds, Facebook and Kindle – A Large Scale Study on Mobile Application Usage. Mobile HCI 2011: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, Lasting Impact Award 2018 & 10 Year Impact Award 2021, (2011)

Felix Heinrichs, Johannes Schöning & Daniel Schreiber: The Hybrid Shopping List: Bridging the Gap between Physical and Digital Shopping Lists. Mobile HCI 2011: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, (2011)

Tanja Döring, Dagmar Kern, Paul Marshall, Max Pfeiffer, Johannes Schöning, Volker Gruhn & Albrecht Schmidt: Gestural Interaction on the Steering Wheel – Reducing the Visual Demands. CHI 2011: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2011)

Sebastian Boring, Sven Gehring, Alexander Wiethoff, Magdalena Blöckner, Johannes Schöning & Andreas Butz: Multi-User Interaction on Media Facades through Live Video on Mobile Devices. CHI 2011: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2011)

Markus Löchtefeld, Sven Gehring, Johannes Schöning, Florian Daiber & Antonio Krüger: Tracking Pointing Gestures to Support Sales Conversations. Performative Interaction 2011: Workshop on Performative Interaction in Public Space at ACM CHI, (2011)

Brent Hecht, Johannes Schöning, Tom Erickson & Reid Priedhorsky: Geographic Human-Computer Interaction. CHI 2011: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2011)

Edward Tse, Johannes Schöning, Jochen Huber, Lynn Marentette, Richard Beckwith, Yvonne Rogers & Max Mühlhäuser: Child Computer Interaction: Workshop on UI Technologies and Educational Pedagogy. CHI 2011: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2011)

Gerrit Kahl, Lübomira Spassova, Johannes Schöning, Sven Gehring & Antonio Krüger: IRL SmartCart – A User-Adaptive Context-Aware Interface for Shopping Assistance. IUI 2011: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, (2011)


Ulrich von Zadow, Florian Daiber, Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: GlobalData: Multi-User Interaction with Geographic Information Systems on Interactive Surfaces. ITS 2010: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surface, (2010)

Dimitar Valkov, Frank Steinicke, Gerd Bruder, Klaus Hinrichs, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger & Florian Daiber: Touching Floating Objects in Projection based VirtualReality Environments. JVRC 2010: Joint Virtual Reality Conference, (2010)

Markus Löchtefeld, Sven Gehring,  Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: PINwI: Pedestrian Indoor – Navigation without Infrastructure. NordiCHI 2010: Proceedings of the 6th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (2010)

Joni Jämsä, Christoph Stasch, Simon Jirka, Jan Schulte, Mika Luimula & Johannes Schöning: A Mobile Data Collection Framework for the Sensor Web. UPINLBS: IEEE Ubiquitous Positioning, Indoor Navigation and Location-Based Service, (2010)

Johannes Schöning, Markus Löchtefeld, Michael Rohs & Antonio Krüger: Projector Phones: A new Class of Interfaces for Augmented Reality. IJMHCI: International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI) issue 2 (3), (2010)

Johannes Schöning: Touch the future: The recent rise of multi-touch interaction. PerAda Magazine: European Commission’s Future and Emerging Technologies Proactive Initiative on Pervasive Adaptation, (2010)

Sven Gehring, Markus Löchtefeld, Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: Exploring the Usage of an Electronic Compass for Human Navigation in Extreme Environments. Haptimap 2010: Workshop on Multimodal Location Based Techniques for Extreme Navigation in conjunction with Pervasive 2010, (2010)

Markus Löchtefeld, Sven Gehring, Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: ShelfTorchlight: Augmenting a Shelf using a Camera Projector Unit. Ubiprojection 2010: Workshop on  Personal Projection via Mobile and Wearable Pico Projectors in conjunction with Pervasive 2010, (2010)

Max Peiffer, Dagmar Kern, Johannes Schöning, Tanja Döring, Antonio Krüger & Albrecht Schmidt: A Multi-Touch Enabled Steering Wheel – Exploring the Design Space. CHI 2010: Adjunct Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2010)

Sven Gehring, Markus Löchtefeld, Johannes Schöning, Dominic Gorecky, Peter Stephan, Antonio Krüger & Michael Rohs: Mobile Product Customization. CHI 2010: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2010)

Edward Tse, Johannes Schöning, Yvonne Rogers, Chia Shen, Gerald Morrison: Next Generation of HCI and Education: Workshop on UI Technologies and Educational Pedagogy. CHI 2010: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2010)

Johannes Schöning, Jonathan Hook, Tom Bartindale, Dominik Schmidt, Patrick Olivier, Florian Echtler, Nima Motamedi, Peter Brandl, Ulrich von Zadow: Building Interactive Multi-touch Surfaces. Tabletops – Horizontal Interactive Displays. Book Chapter in the Book: Tabletops – Horizontal Interactive Displays edited by Christian Mueller-Tomfeld (2010)

Johannes Schöning: Advanced User Interfaces for Spatial Information. PhD (Dr.-Ing.) in Computer Science, Saarland University, Advisors: Prof. Dr. Antonio Krüger (DFKI), Prof. Dr. Michael Rohs (LMU Munich, Germany) & Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Saarland University, Germany). (2010)


Markus Löchtefeld, Johannes Schöning, Michael Rohs & Antonio Krüger: Marauders Light: Replacing the Wand with a Mobile Camera Projector Unit. MUM 2009: The 8th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, (2009)

Lübomira Spassova, Johannes Schöning, Gerrit Kahl & Antonio Krüger: Innovative Retail Laboratory.  AmI 2009: 3rd European Conference on Ambient Intelligence, (2009)

Johannes Schöning, Jonathan Hook, Nima Motamedi, Patrick Olivier, Florian Echtler, Peter Brandl, Laurence Muller, Florian Daiber, Otmar Hilliges, Markus Löchtefeld, Tim Roth, Dominik Schmidt & Ulrich von Zadow: Building Interactive Multi-touch Surfaces. JGT 2009: Journal of Graphics Tools, (2009)

Robert Schleicher, Michael Rohs & Johannes Schöning: Eye movements when using a mobile phone to search on wall maps. ECEM 2009: Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Eye Movements, (2009)

Gerhard Schall, Johannes Schöning, Volker Paelke & Georg Gartner: Augmented Maps & Environments: Approaches, Applications & Interactions. In “Advances in Web-based GIS, Mapping Services and Applications”, ISPRS book by CRC Press/ Taylor and Francis, 2009, (2009)

Gerrit Kahl, Karin Leichtenstern, Johannes Schöning, Lübomira Spassova & Antonio Krüger: A Contextual Learning Game for Toddlers Installed on an Interactive Display Attached to a Shopping Cart PerED 2009: Workshop at the 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, (2009)

Johannes Schöning: Advanced Natural and Tangible Interfaces for Spatial Information Ubicomp 2009: Adjunct Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Doctoral Consortium, (2009)

Stefan Below, Thorsten Diekhof, Jörg Possin, Mareike Kritzler, Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: GeoInformationRouter – Localization in WLAN Environments Via Infrastructure Ubicomp 2009: Adjunct Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, (2009)

Johannes Schöning: Do we need further multi-touch affordances?  Touch Affordances: Workshop on Touch Affordances in conjunction with INTERACT, (2009)

Tanja Döring, Antonio Krüger, Albrecht Schmidt & Johannes Schöning: Tangible and Embedded Interaction. it – Information Technology Schwerpunkt – Themenheft Medieninformatik,  Heft  3 Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag  (2009)

Markus Löchtefeld, Johannes Schöning, Michael Rohs & Antonio Krüger: LittleProjectedPlanet: An Augmented Reality Game for Camera Projector Phones. Mobile HCI 2009: Workshop on  Mobile Interaction with the Real World MIRW, (2009)

Benjamin Proß, Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: iPiccer: Automatically Retrieving and Inferring Tagged Location Information from Web Repositories. Mobile HCI 2009: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, (2009)

Antonio Krüger, Johannes Schöning, Markus Löchtefeld, Frank Steinicke & Michael Rohs: About Two Physical Interaction Metaphors:  Narrowing the Gap between the Virtual and the Real Worlds. ISUVR 2009: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality, (2009)

Michael Rohs, Johannes Schöning, Robert Schleicher, Georg Essl, Anja Naumann & Antonio Krüger: Impact of Item Density on Magic Lens Interactions. Mobile HCI 2009: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, (2009)

Johannes Schöning, Keith Cheverst, Markus Löchtefeld, Antonio Krüger & Michael Rohs, Faisal Taher: Photomap: Using Spontaneously taken Images of Public  Maps for Pedestrian Navigation Tasks on Mobile Devices. Mobile HCI 2009: Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Service, Best Paper Award, (2009)

Johannes Schöning, Frank Steinicke, Antonio Krüger, Klaus Hinrichs, Dimitar Valkov: Bimanual Interaction with Interscopic Multi-Touch Surfaces. INTERACT 2009: 12th IFIP TC13 Conference in Human-Computer Interaction , (2009)

Florian Daiber, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger: Whole Body Interaction with Geospatial Data. Smart Graphics 2009: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Smart Graphics, (2009)

Michael Rohs, Robert Schleicher, Johannes Schöning, Georg Essl, Anja Naumann & Antonio Krüger: Impact of Item Density on the Utility of Visual Context in Magic Lens Interactions. PUC 4/2009: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, (2009)

Thomas Bartoschek & Johannes Schöning: Geoinformatik mit Hand, Fuß und Köpfchen. Gewinner des Hochschulwettbewerbs „Alltagstauglich?“ des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), (2009)

Johannes Schöning, Tom Bartindale, Patrick Olivier, Dan Jackson, Antonio Krüger & Jim Kitson: iBookmark: Locative Texts and Place-based Authoring. CHI 2009: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2009)

Johannes Schöning, Florian Daiber, Antonio Krüger & Michael Rohs: Using Hands and Feet to Navigate and Manipulate Spatial Data. CHI 2009: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2009)

Johannes Schöning, Michael Rohs, Sven Kratz, Markus Löchtefeld, & Antonio Krüger: Map Torchlight: A Mobile Augmented Reality Camera Projector Unit. CHI 2009: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2009)

Florian Daiber, Christoph Stasch, Alexander C. Walkowski,  Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: Multi-Touch- und Multi-User-Interaktion zur Verbesserung des kollaborativen Arbeitens in Katastrophenstäben. Geoinformatik 2009: In Proc. of Geoinformatik 2009 (german only), (2009) 

Johannes Schöning, Markus Löchtefeld, Keith Cheverst & Antonio Krüger: Photomap Nokia Contest, Calling All Innovators: Region Winner Europe presented at MWC Barcelona,  (2009)

Frank Steinicke, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger, Klaus Hinrichs: Interscopic Multi-Touch Surfaces: Using bimanual Interaction for intuitive Manipulation of Spatial Data. IEEE 3DUI 2009: Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, (2009) 

Erik Wilde, Susanne Boll, Keith Cheverst, Peter Fröhlich, Ross Purves & Johannes Schöning: Location and the Web (LocWeb 2009). CHI 2009: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2009)

Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger & Patrick Olivier: Multi-Touch is Dead, Long live multi-touch. Workshop on Multi-touch and Surface Computing at ACM CHI 2009, (2009)


Thomas Bartoschek & Johannes Schöning: Trends und Potentiale von virtuellen Globen in Schule und Wissenschaft. GIS Buisness, (2008)

Johannes Schöning, Peter Brandl, Florian Daiber, Florian Echtler, Otmar Hilliges, Jonathan Hook, Markus Löchtefeld, Nima Motamedi, Laurence Muller, Patrick Olivier, Tim Roth, Ulrich von Zadow: Multi-Touch Surfaces: A Technical Guide. Technical Report TUM-I0833: Technical Reports of the Technical University of Munich, (2008)

Peter Konopatzky, Michael Scholz, Sven Reißig, Johannes Schöning, Philipp Verhoeven, Markus Löchtefeld & Antonio Krüger: xChase: A Location-Based Multi-User Pervasive Game Using a Lightweight Tracking Framework. FnG 2008: Proceedings of  International Conference on Fun and Games, (2008)

Johannes Schöning, Peter Brandl, Florian Daiber, Florian Echtler, Otmar Hilliges, Jonathan Hook, Markus Löchtefeld, Nima Motamedi, Tim Roth, David Smith, Ulrich von Zadow: “Build your Own” Multi-touch Surface: Bootcamp on Construction & Implementation of Multi-touch Surfaces. IEEE Tabetop 2008: Proceedings of IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces, (2008)

Johannes Schöning, Florian Daiber & Antonio Krüger: Advanced Navigation Techniques for Spatial Information Using Whole Body Motion. British HCI 2008: Workshop on Whole Body Interaction: The Future of the Human Body. Whole Body Interaction II, (2008).

Johannes Schöning, Michael Rohs & Antonio Krüger: Spatial Authentication on Large Interactive Multi-Touch Surfaces. IEEE Tabetop 2008: Adjunct Proceedings of IEEE Tabletops and Interactie Surfaces, (2008)

Brent Hecht & Johannes Schöning: Mapping the Zeitgeist.  GIScience 2008: Proc. of the 4th International Conference on GIScience, Extended Abstracts, Best Poster Award (2008)

Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: Multi-Modal Navigation through Spatial Information.  GIScience 2008: Proc. of the 4th International Conference on GIScience, Extended Abstracts, (2008)

Johannes Schöning, Michael Rohs & Antonio Krüger: Mobile Interaction with the “Real World“. Mobile HCI 2008: Workshop on  Mobile Interaction with the Real World MIRW, (2008)

Keith Cheverst, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger & Michael Rohs: Photomap: Snap, Grab and Walk away with a ‘YOU ARE HERE’ Map. Mobile HCI 2008: Workshop on  Mobile Interaction with the Real World MIRW, (2008)

Johannes Schöning, Michael Rohs, Antonio Krüger & Christoph Stasch: Improving the Communication of Spatial Information in Crisis Response by Combining Paper Maps and Mobile Devices. Mobile Response 2008: Proceedings of International Symposium on Mobile Information Technology for Emergency Response, (2008)

Johannes Schöning, Michael Rohs & Antonio Krüger: Using Mobile Phones to Spontaneously Authenticate and Interact with Multi-Touch Surfaces. AVI 2008: Workshop on Designing Multi-touch Interaction Techniques for Coupled Private and Public Displays PPD , (2008)

Frank Steinicke, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger, Klaus Hinrichs: Multi-Touching Cross-Dimensional Data: Towards Direct Interaction in Stereoscopic Display Environments coupled with Mobile Devices. AVI 2008: Workshop on Designing Multi-touch Interaction Techniques for Coupled Private and Public Displays PPD , (2008)

Jana Gliet, Antonio Krüger, Johannes Schöning & Otto Klemm: Image Geo-Mashups: The Example of an Augmented Reality Weather Cam. AVI 2008: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, (2008)

Johannes Schöning, Brent Hecht & Nicole Starosielski: Evaluating Automatically Generated Location-Based Stories for Tourists. CHI 2008: Adjunct Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2008)

Johannes Schöning, Brent Hecht, Martin Raubal, Antonio Krüger,  Meri Marsh & Michael Rohs: Improving Interaction with Virtual Globes through Spatial Thinking: Helping users Ask „Why?“. IUI 2008: Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, (2008)

Oliver Rath, Johannes Schöning, Michael Rohs & Antonio Krüger: Sight Quest: A Mobile Game for Paper Maps. Intertain 2008: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on INtelligent TEchnologies for interactive enterTAINment , (2008)


Johannes Schöning, Michael Rohs & Antonio Krüger: Paper Maps as an Entry Point for Tourists to Explore Wikipedia Content. ICMI 2007: Adjunct Proceedings of the 9th International Conference  on Multimodal Interfaces, (2007)

Johannes Schöning, Brent Hecht, Michael Rohs & Nicole Starosielski: WikEar: Automatically Generated Location-Based Audio Stories between Public City Maps. Ubicomp 2007: Adjunct Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, (2007)

Johannes Schöning: Interaktion von mobilen Geräten mit öffentlichen statischen Karten. Kartographische Nachrichten (in german) Issue 10/07, (2007)

Michael Rohs, Johannes Schöning, Martin Raubal, Georg Essl & Antonio Krüger: Map Navigation with Mobile Devices: Virtual versus Physical Movement with and without Visual Context. ICMI 2007: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference  on Multimodal Interfaces, (2007)

Michael Rohs, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger & Brent Hecht: Towards Real-Time Markerless Tracking of Magic Lenses on Paper Maps. Pervasive 2007: Adjunct Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing, (2007)

Brent Hecht, Michael Rohs, Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: Wikeye – Using Magic Lenses to Explore Georeferenced Wikipedia Content. Pervasive 2007: Workshop on Pervasive Mobile Interaction Devices (PERMID), (2007) 

Krzysztof Janowicz & Johannes Schöning: Mobile Map Interaction for Local News. Workshop Mobile Spatial Interaction (MSI) at CHI 2007, (2007)

Johannes Schöning et al.: Klettern im Jahr 2017. online available on , (2007) 

Johannes Schöning, Ilja Panov & Carsten Keßler: No Vertical Limit – Conceptual Design of a LBS for climbers. Workshop Mobile Spatial Interaction (MSI) at CHI 2007, (2007) 


Hans Jörg Müller, Johannes Schöning & Antonio Krüger: Mobile Map Interaction – Evaluation in an Indoor Scenario. Workshop on Mobile and Embedded Interactive Systems,  Informatik 2006 Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., (2006)

Johannes Schöning & Jan Torben Heuer: Seamless Maps. MotoFRWD – Motorola Future Ideas 2nd Place, (2006)

Johannes Schöning, Jan Torben Heuer, Hans Jörg Müller & Antonio Krüger: The Marauders Lens GIScience 2006: Proceedings of the International Conference on GIScience, Extended Abstracts, Best Poster Award (2006)

Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger & Hans Jörg Müller: Interaction of Mobile Camera Devices with Physical Maps. Pervasive 2006: Adjunct Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Computing, (2006)