Contact & Imprint

Contact & Imprint

Prof. Dr. Johannes Schöning
Torstr. 25
CH- 9000 St. Gallen

Phone & Email

Privacy Policy

Protecting personal data and respecting your right to privacy is a matter of course. Data are deemed personal if they can be attributed to a specific person. This includes information such as names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers.

Collection, Processing, and Usage of Personal Data

I collect, process, and uses personal data only in accordance with applicable legal regulations (e.g. the German Federal Data Protection Act [Bundesdatenschutzgesetz] and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)). This is in particular the case when you use means of this website to get in touch with me.

Data Security

The transmission of personal data between your computer and our server always takes place in encrypted form via so-called “Secure Socket Layer” transmission, also known as SSL. Thanks to SSL, information cannot be read by unauthorized persons during transmission.

Right to Information / Option to Object

You may request information regarding saved data about yourself and free of charge at any time and may exercise your right to correct such data.

Changes to the Data Protection Policy

New legal requirements or technological developments may require changes to this privacy policy. It will in such case, be modified accordingly. The most current version can always be found on this Web site.

Last updated: Jan 2024